Tag Archives: UV

Did you see Penny?

Did you see Penny on Channel #2, WKRN Monday 5/14/12  at 4:00pm?  She was interviewed concerning her personal experience with skin cancer!
May is National Skin Cancer month, and this is something that has been extremely up close and personal for Penny.  She has had over 150+ skin cancers removed since 2000. Penny is asking that you help spread the word about the importance of daily sunscreen and the re-application of sunscreen every 2 hours – which is the best preventative measure to help avoid skin cancer.
Did you know that some clothing now comes with a UV Protection Factor (or “UPF”).?  The UPF  rating system measures the UV protection provided by fabric. It is very similar to the SPF rating system used for sunscreens.

A garment with a UPF of 50 only allows 1/50th of the UV radiation falling on the surface of the garment to pass through it. In other words, it blocks 49/50ths or 98% of the UV radiation. Look for this rating on bathing suits.

While not all clothing is rated yet, there are some things to keep in mind while selecting your summer wardrobe. Here are the factors that affect the level of ultraviolet protection provided by a fabris and the UPF rating. We are listing these in order of importance:

  • The weave of the fabric – tighter weave is best
  • The color of the fabric – darker is better
  • The weight of the fabric – heavier is better
  • The stretchiness of the fabric – less  stretch is better

   The other major factor that affects protection is the addition of chemicals such as UV absorbers or UV diffusers during the manufacturing process. Many factors that make a garment comfortable also make it less protective – the major design challenge for sun protective clothing is how to combine comfort, style and protection in the one garment.

 While not all clothing adds UPF protection, Penny & her fabulousstaff would be more than glad to help you select the perfect pieces that do the best they can. For example: the amazing Joseph Ribkoff dress to the right is a better choice – add a great hat for more coverage – and for exposed areas, apply sunscreen before you dress – and don’t forget to apply just before you head out the door for lunch. Many sunscreens now come in a powder tube that can be applied just like powder make-up! They come in translucent and tinted – not messy and can be carried in your purse.

Be safe – and help us spread the word!